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Why Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary

Why Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extraction becomes a necessary step in some conditions like severe tooth decay, fractured teeth, severe gum disease, impacted wisdom tooth, mal-aligned teeth, and many others.

What is tooth removal?

Extraction involves removal of the tooth in a painless way, so that the tissues around the tooth remain unharmed.

When do you need to get your tooth removed?

Your tooth may be extracted for any of the following reasons:

Severely decayed tooth – When decayed tooth is left untreated, the decay spreads and involves the whole tooth which slowly breaks down and loses most of its structure with severe pain and infection spreading to surrounding bone. Such a tooth cannot be restored by either fillings or by root canal treatment and need to be extracted.



Severe gum disease – Severe gum disease causes spread of infection to the underlying bone and the investing tissue of the tooth. This results in loosening of the teeth, pain and pus around the teeth. Such teeth require extraction to get rid of infection and pain. 



Fractured tooth – Teeth which are fractured at a deeper level that cannot be restored will require extraction followed by replacement. Such fractures can occur due to injuries to the face and teeth.




Impacted wisdom teeth – Wisdom teeth sometimes cannot erupt or partially erupted into the mouth due to certain reasons like small jaw size, lack of space, etc. such teeth cause pain due to many reasons like decay, force over the adjacent teeth, etc. These teeth cannot be treated due to their abnormal eruption pattern and require extraction in order to prevent damage to neighbouring teeth.



For orthodontic treatment – When the jaw size is small and the teeth size is big, the teeth in the mouth are crowded with poor alignment. In such conditions, certain tooth extractions may be needed to make room in the jaw for proper alignment of the teeth to be done.



So, it’s seen that all these factors will lead to dental extraction!

It is with us and in our hands to save what we already have and after all, prevention is better than cure! I urge you to consider your oral health with more care!

so, bottom line, keep smiling, stay healthy!

Have a great dentist visit!

By: Meghna Reddy

Thank you

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