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Untreated dental issues, case of head aches

Untreated dental issues, case of head aches!!!

If your jaw is in the wrong position, the muscles that move the jaw have to work a lot harder and can get tired. This leads to muscle spasm. The main symptoms are continual headaches or migraine, especially first thing in the morning; pain behind your eyes; sinus pain and pains in your neck and shoulders.

If you are suffering from constant headaches for a long time and not able to find any treatment to alleviate the same, it’s probably right time to visit your dentist.

You would be surprised to know that your headache might be due to some unresolved dental or oral issues that you might be ignorant of.

Headaches have a multitude of causes ranging from migraine, tension headaches, eye-related problems,sinusitis jaw joint problems or some kind of pressing issues related to the brain. Pain in the face and jaws is commonly referred to the head because a lot of nerves in this area cross innervate and cause referred pain. It means that the source of pain may refer pain to some other location, and the patient will experience the pain at some other site not related to the cause. For example, you may experience your lower molar tooth pain in your ear on same side or caries in your upper tooth might cause pain in head or temple region.

Suffering from nagging headaches, patients consult various specialists like physicians, ENT surgeons, eye specialists, or even neurologists; still, they are not able to get relieved, or they are unable to get a proper diagnosis. Many time, the cause is inside the mouth and not in the eyes,ear or brain. Just because we commonly overlook our mouth or teeth, considering it to be the least important cause for such pains.


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