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Eliminate Pain With Root Canal In Time

Eliminate Pain With Root Canal In Time

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT – Root canal is advised by the doctor when there is a decay or infection involving the nerve of the teeth. This procedure is done to preserve the integrity and function of the teeth in mouth, which would have been lost by extraction if not done in time.

“Healthy roots make a healthy tooth so don’t neglect tooth pain visit us at crossroads dental clinic to experience painless root canal treatment. Your comfort is our priority.”

Signs and symptoms

  • Discolored teeth due to previous trauma
  • Decayed teeth involving the nerve resulting in lingering pain
  • Infection or swelling in the gum or face
  • Cracked tooth
  • Broken tooth structure

Microscopic endodontics

Advances in dentistry can help to improve the quality of care in dentistry. Advances can be in the form of materials, equipment, or techniques. The field of endodontics has embraced technological advancements and changes in thought processes regarding root canal therapy.

The practice of root canal treatment under microscope has advanced the quality of treatment exponentially. The art of minimal and precise treatments avoids unwanted loss of tooth structure. This maintains the longevity of the tooth and prevents any iatrogenic errors.



When do I need a root canal treatment?

If you are experiencing pain in the tooth or swelling you might require a root canal treatment.

How many appointments is required for this treatment?

Root canal treatment can be done in 1-2 appointments depending on the condition of the teeth. The doctor might require more visits if the tooth is very infected .

Is root canal treatment painful?

Root canal treatment is a painless procedure as it is performed under Local Anesthetic. Discomfort after a root canal is common which is managed by prescribed oral analgesics.

Is placing a crown on root canal treated teeth mandatory?

It is always advisable to place a crown within 4-6 weeks after a root canal. Crowns provide protection for the underlying tooth and prevent the tooth from fracture .

Dr. Anju Ann Chacko

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