Sheikh Zayed Road - 04 343 5424 | Deira - 04 294 9757

Why Consider Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Why Consider Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Inhaled through mask, it takes effect very quickly, Leaving you feeling relaxed within minutes. You can usually drive yourself home afterwards

Taken as a pill about an hour before treatment.  You will feel deeply relaxed and may fall asleep but easily awakened if needed. You need someone to drive back home 


  • Dental Fears and Phobias

Sedation dentistry is a practical solution for anyone with dental fears who would otherwise feel uncomfortable receiving dental treatment or avoid seeing a dentist altogether.

  • Completing Lengthier or More Complex Dental Treatments

Certain procedures take time to complete, and sitting quietly in the chair for long periods can become uncomfortable. Sedation dentistry helps patients relax and receive dental care comfortably. It can also mean we can complete more work in a single appointment, restoring oral health more quickly.

  • Strong Gag Reflex

Some people find it very uncomfortable to tolerate dental treatment due to a strong gag reflex. They can receive dental care comfortably without triggering this reflex with sedation dentistry.

  • Children and Patients with Special Needs

Young children or people with special needs or certain medical conditions may be unable to understand that they need to sit still to receive dental care safely. Sedation dentistry helps calm them, so they feel relaxed enough to sit still.

  • Low Pain Threshold

Even a simple dental cleaning can feel uncomfortable for some people with more sensitive teeth and gums and who have a lower pain threshold for discomfort. Dental sedation helps ensure the experience is more comfortable.

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