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Clear Aligners/ Invisalign

A clear aligner, clear alternative to braces. They are transparent- plastic form of braces used to adjust or straighten teeth. They are removable devices that allow you to eat, drink and eat without hindrance. Invisalign is the largest and most renowned producers of clear aligners. They consist of a series of tight fitting custom made aligners that slip over teeth. Each aligner is worn for 10-15 days. Initial fit is unfitting for a couple of days until it seats completely. Invisalign can be used for mild to moderate crowding, spacing and for relapse cases of braces treatment done in childhood or teenage. The last aligner can be used as a retainer. A retainer is worn to retain the final tooth positions. The treatment duration will vary from 10 weeks to maximum of 24 months.


  • Faster, preprogrammed, individualized tooth movement
  • Clear/ Invisible
  • No food restrictions
  • Reduced dental appointments


  • Slightly expensive than braces

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Conventional Metal Braces: These braces present standard metal brackets and metal wires. These are 17th century technology brackets. Only difference from large to cumbersome nowadays the brackets have become smaller called ‘Low Profile’ and more precise. These braces are most commonly used in younger patients and can use colored elastics.


  • Low cost
  • Fast acting


  • Noticeable on teeth
  • Bad Hygiene leads to cavities
  • Food Restrictions

Ceramic/Crystal Braces: These are tooth colored/white/clear brackets that camouflage with the tooth and make them less conspicuous. Most commonly used in older teenagers and adults.


  • Invisible on teeth
  • Faster than clear trays


  • Food Restrictions
  • More expensive than metal braces
  • Poor hygiene can discolor brackets
  • More brittle than metal braces

And for more treatment results visit our gallery.

Lingual Braces: These braces can be completely invisible from the mouth as it is placed on the inside surface of teeth.


  • Not visible


  • Expensive
  • Long appointments
  • Can break easily
  • Food restrictions
  • Hygiene maintenance is tough
  • Need speech adjustment

Clear Aligner – Invisalign & Braces

Dental Braces are devices used to align and straighten teeth, to correct bite, close gaps and to improve overall dental health.

Braces for children: The ideal age for starting braces for children is between 8-14 years of age while the growth is still occurring. It is recommended also because the permanent teeth start coming up and overcrowding and uneven bite may become apparent. Orthodontic consultation may be advised by 7 years of age to evaluate the need of functional and removable appliances

Braces for Adults: There is no age limit for this treatment as long as your teeth and gums are strong.

Treatment duration may vary from between 6 months to 2 years.

Braces can be of many kinds:

  • Conventional- metal/ ceramic
  • Damon System- metal/ceramic
  • Lingual Braces
  • Clear/ Removable Aligners- Invisalign

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